
And the day came…

And the day article taken from Q9 (2018) that explores the complex relationship between human being, environment and culture in Italy. It takes the inspiration from the film “The Happening” (by M. Night Shyamalan) and recent extreme climatic events like Vaia. Starting from that poit of view it analyzes the Italian tendency not to value its heritage, despite its immense cultural and natural wealth. As an example, the picture on the cover represents some Roman ruins in the middle of a residential area. The area – in Este near Padova – is, unfortunately, not well known but is worth paying a visit. We have to keep in mind that Veneto is not only Venice but is also less “famous” small cities full of history.

And the day came. Roman ruins in Este

In fact, the article proposes an alternative vision of tourism based on small centres and a strong interaction between culture and territories. Interaction but… talking about how to interect, the article criticizes the fragmented and poorly organized approach to widespread museums and ecomuseums. Luckily there are positive examples of “recycling” culture and territory, such as the Hemp Museum (Umbria), and virtuous models such as Arte Sella (Trentiono). These approaches emphasize the importance of sustainable and integrated use of the territory. Without fogetting to reflect on climate change and urge for greater awareness and action!

For reading And the day came click HERE

For Quaderno 9 click HERE


The old man (and) is the tree

The old man (and) is the tree by Giorgio Tremel taken from Q9 “A man made of plastic” (2018)

Then I said to myself, also influenced by my years passing by, why don’t we use the paradigm of the tree to talk about the brain of the elderly, therefore of their essence, of their true wealth. The experience, life experience, the traumas, the amputations, the attempts and errors, the renewal of some parts and the death of others.

The old man (and) is the tree

If we were to give an explanation in just a few words, the focus of this Quaderno – and this article – would certainly be Trees and Plastic. Trees and plastic depicted as a story, as a poem, news or science fiction. Trees and Plastic become for the authors the mediums to talk all round of culture and the re-reading of territories, environmental emergencies and possible corrections, of human being as a sentient being but also a being made of plastic, a non-human, unaware of what he/she sees or, better still, of what he/she does not want to see.

Continue reading The old man (and) is the tree here


But do places have a soul?

But do places have a soul? Introduction to Quaderno18 edited by il prato publishing house
I have been asking myself this question quite often recently, I even wrote about it some time ago, when I had already made a distinction between identity and soul.

But do places have a soul

My answer to the question is YES, without a doubt on my part. But really, I’m thinking about this matter over and over. I think there is a crucial distinction between identity and soul if we want to develop a real sustainable tourism. So, I will try to answer myself. Again.


Identity or soul

Here I go back to my initial question and introduce the identity variable. Nowadays it is quite common to link the word identity to places. In my opinion this word is divisive, we are looking for the characteristics that differentiate one place from another rather than what they have in common. A phenomenon that I find worrying since I have the clear impression – walking around the villages – that they are all becoming the same, with similar promotions and with a strong emphasis on food and wine and typical products. Don’t get me wrong, typical products are fine but when, to push a product and a territory, tourist operators invent “the way (cammino) of the prosecco hills” you can easily understand that it is not a pilgrims’ way […]

Continue reading here


The (tiring) rise

The (tiring) rise is the term that has immediately come up when we have seen the ​​photos sphere. And it is also the term that defines the long and  sometimes tiring way of Progetto Re-Cycle better than others. We did not stop and a few days ago we became an APS – Associazione di Promozione Sociale – which will allow us to carry out ongoing projects (and new ones coming) more incisively.

Our story is not straightforward, quite the opposite. We started as a scientific online magazine in 2015, then we added the association – end of 2016 – and now this additional step. One thing is certain: change does not scare us

The (tiring) rise

It wasn’t easy  to define what Progetto Re-Cycle is, to find our identity – even if we prefer soul – and how it is evolving. Joining together culture and economic processes, association, society and business for someone is probably still puzzling. However, we have found our peers and also a great compass: the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. We have some very similar goals

The (tiring) rise

Follow us and, why not, support us,  our old projects and those that will come. In the end it’s not just OUR projects but YOURS too! Even if it is a (tiring) rise… maybe… in the meantime keep watching some “unusual” mapping

Stay tuned!

The (tiring) rise

A man made of plastic

Finally our new Quaderno . A man made of plastic, a title that contains all the aspects  you will find in this issue. A Quaderno, number 9, with multiple aspects. It  retraces our Manifesto and highlights our mission. “To make easier the interaction between culture and business in order to create new economic opportunities by starting from what already exists”.

Our journey started two years ago. It is evolving.  Sometimes we were at a stalemate, sometimes tired but always ready to start again with even greater enthusiasm.

A man made of plastic gives a deeper emphasis to the relationship between territory / culture. Besides it highlights  the increasingly complicated relationship between Man and the Environment. If we were to give an explanation in two words, the focus of this issue would certainly be Trees and Plastic. Trees and plastic depicted as a story, as a poem, or as news, as science fiction. Trees and the Plastic become for the authors the vehicle to talk all round of culture and the re-reading  of territories, environmental emergencies and possible corrections. And above all, of man as a sentient being but also a being made of plastic. Sometimes a non-man, unaware of what he sees or, better still, of what he does not want to see.


A company point of view

A company point of view enriches this Quaderno. The article has been written by an important Venetian company dealing with automation systems for the plastics transformation. Are today’s companies responsible for plastic contamination? If so, to what extent? Are they making any correction? Or, what is under our eyes is the result of a lack of vision that brings us back to the sixties, when Giulio Natta is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the construction of polypropylene and high density polyethylene?

Man and plastic

As usual we ask questions. As usual our purpose is not so much to give answers but to provoke an autonomous and critical thought.

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